Thursday, January 31, 2013

Flight Los Angeles-Paris-Rome-Catania

After Monty dropped me off at LAX I was waiting in the baggage check line at Air France and realized I left my laptop in the car!  Damn the nerves I was so stressed since this is my first flight out of country and I'm going alone.  I called Monty and he turned around to bring the laptop back.  5 minutes later I was running out to meet him curbside and a LA airport Sheriff guy was already writing out a ticket!  Anyone familiar with LA or LAX will not be shocked by this.  An idle car sitting for more than 10 seconds is grounds for a citation.  Anyways, thanks Monty for bringing the laptop back and making this blog possible!
As I was going through security I started to feel like a foreigner and I hadn't even left LA yet.  It's amazing how many languages I could hear people speaking.  The Air France red eye flight was comfortable and the food was great.  11 hours later we landed in Paris.  Temperature 7 degrees celsius, about 11:30 a.m.  Originally I thought a 1 hour layover would allow me time to make a quick blog entry.  Not so.  The airport in Paris is huge and catching a connecting flight required me to ride a rail car to another terminal.  From there I had my passport stamped and continued through security.  As I walked up to my gate, my flight to Rome was just starting to board.  The flight was 2 hours and luckily the Flumencio airport was pretty easy to figure out.  Flight from Rome to Catania is little over an hour on a fairly small plane.  That was the first time I disembarked off a plane by walking down a flight of steps to the runway where a tram took us to baggage claim.  I have officially arrived.

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